The Race Committee is looking for volunteers
What is a race committee?
The term “race committee” includes any person or group that is in charge of “managing” a sailboat race. This includes everything from writing the sailing instructions to actually running the race. Responsibilities include the Committee Boat Operator, Wind Reader, Mark Setter, Spotter/Recorder, Line Sighter, Scorer, Sounder, Signaler, and a Principal Race Officer (PRO) who is the chief executive of the committee. Often these jobs are combined for only three or four volunteers.
Do I need to know anything about sailboat racing, or even sailing?
No, but it makes it more interesting if you do! Many other yachting skills, such as motorboat experience, local knowledge, the ability to read a compass, anchoring, knot tying, and GPS knowledge are also useful as part of the team.
What skills are required?
Teamwork, ability to focus on a specific role or task, ability to follow instructions, and the ability to adjust quickly to changes.
What are the rewards?
Being out on the water, an important role in an exciting club event, working as part of a team, satisfaction of a job well done, action, fun, and new friends. Occasionally tangible awards of appreciation are presented to the Race Committee team members.
How can I volunteer?
To learn more about participating in the Race Committee or to volunteer, click the sign up button below.
Credits: portions of text from JtRCT!, US Sailing, 2013